LaBoyteaux–Will We Remember Them

The American Cemetery above Omaha Beach in France, my parents generation.  The Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C., our nation had the courage to inscribe there the names of more than fifty thousand killed in Vietnam, my generation.  And the women’s memorial nearby.  The images don’t quite line up with what I am about to say, but the way we treat people in service to our County fits for me.  Will we remember the 17 inspector generals summarily dismissed by Trump.  The disabled veteran who received a positive job evaluation but dismissed by Musk for “poor performance”.  The DOJ attorney fired for her ethical stance about restoring Mel Gibson’s gun rights ….. he’s a friend of the President.  The multiple DOJ attorney’s who would not dismiss the case against New York mayor Eric Adams.  The Forest Service employees in Idaho and Montana caught in Musk’s purge.  The Bonville Power staff.  Thousands laid off at USAID, Department of Education, Veterans Administration, even the weather service.  Please read my previous post about “Efficiency not Cruelty”.  I just keep thinking about all these people, their homes, children and families.  And I know there are more I have not mentioned.  I’m starting to loose track of them all.  Like unwarranted police killings of unarmed individuals and mass shootings across the country,  I try to remember all their names but I can’t.  The unfathomable cruelty ….. the courts have taken some actions but the direction and the cruelty remains the same.  I am so sorry.

Tariffs on our nearest neighbors, friends and allies, Canada, Mexico, the European Union and China ….. it is just bizarre crazy.  It seems Trump will start a fight with ust about everybody except Putin.  Go figure.

Then there is Trump’s obsession with revenge against anyone who has challenged him.  Most recently trying to deny certain law firms access to government records or even entry into buildings.






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