LaBoyteaux-Razor Wire

Yesterday, President Biden appealed the to U.S Supreme Court to allow the U.S. Border patrol to remove razor wire, placed by the State of Texas, along the banks of the Rio Grande River.

Razor wire is a military tool intended to entangle, cut and injure anyone who touches it. It is not the same as barbed wire and is not used to contain livestock because it can cause serious injury.

We have a serious problem with uncontrolled immigration at the southern boarder and I am sympathetic with the border states. who are forced to accept large numbers of immigrants. I have some ideas how to address this problem. However I cannot abide cruelty and razor wire is cruelty.

I hope our Supreme Court can see this. I’m surprised lower courts have apparently allowed it.

1 comment

I agree that while we urgently need to tighten our borders, cruelty is unacceptable.

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