Contributing members of our national community, neighbors, friends, essential workers ….. now comes the deportation. This is inhumane, absolutely wrong and cruel. Law abiding immigrant working families often with U.S. citizen children. Been here awhile, they should not be deported. I keep thinking of Suazo and his crew, patching the pot holes at night on the Francis Scott Key bridge when it went down. The type of hard work that every new wave of immigrants have done in this country.
Wrong, inhumane, cruel and stupid as well. Essential workers, harvest crews, disaster clean up, reducing fire hazard in our forests, all the work that immigrants do. Farmers know that most American citizens will not take these jobs.
We need to stop the influx of refugees at the southern boarder. There are far too many. We do not need to deport our friends, neighbors contributing to our nation.
News this morning says Trump will ban trans individuals from serving in the military. Also wrong. Mom was a MASH nurse in WWII and told us of the trans men and women serving at that time. Honorably doing their part for their country.
All of the above, have we really become this intolerant? Have we become this damn stingy?