
LaBoyteaux–Charismatic Con Men

Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, history has shown the damage to nations and human civilization brought by charismatic con men.  Donald Trump is such a man.  I do not know why so many seem to believe his lies and irrationality.  Perhaps people of marginal view points have always been part of our society,  the internet has given them voice while Donald Trump has fueled the conspiracy theories.

The Republican Party has lost itself, now actively working to make it harder for people to vote.  Voting is the foundation of democracy.  I’ll repeat that the State of Colorado has had 100% mail balloting for seven years with only single digit problems.  The Republican Party has lost itself, against more voting because it may not go their way.  Mitch McConnell is the ultimate partisan, not a leader but the Senate’s biggest wimp.





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LaBoyteaux–The Foundation of Our Democracy

All political parties, certainly the two major ones, should support more people voting and making it easier to vote where possible.  Voting is the foundation of our democracy.  Over 150 million people voted in the 2020 election, the largest number in the country’s history and far beyond any other recent election.  It was a fair and honest election.  There has been no evidence of any widespread fraud.

Never the less, 253 new laws are in motion by Republican majority state legislatures across the country that would restrict and make voting more difficult.  It seems a majority of Republican voters believe Donald Trump’s big lie that the election was stolen.

I don’t know if the U.S. Congress can establish minimum voting rights through a renewed Voting Rights Act.  I would certainly like to see gerrymandering corrected through independent non-partisan commissions.  I would like to see an end to dark money in elections and possibly a limit on the size of individual contributions.

I keep coming back to the fact that Colorado has used 100% mail in voting for the last seven years and cases of illegal voting have been in the single digits.  It seems to me there is a model there that all States should consider.


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LaBoyteaux–You Will Have To Face God

You Will Have To Face God, the words of the Iraqi families to Donald Trump after he pardoned the Blackwater mercenaries who murdered 14.  The one who used a sniper rifle had been sentenced to life in prison.  Likewise pardon for political cronies who lied to the Mueller investigation.

When I started this web-site a dear friend recommended I focus on policy issues and not criticize Donald Trump ….. don’t feed the troll.  I tried to follow that advice but could not look beyond the cruelty.  Now it comes again, continued disregard of the pandemic,  refusing to sign the Covid relief package and probably shutting down the government by Monday.  The cruelty is beyond my comprehension and I can only imagine more insanity in the next few weeks.

You Will Have To Face God


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Out of the darkness, my spirit rises with renewed hope for our nation.  Provided below is the link to President Elect and First Lady Jill Biden’s Thanksgiving letter.


Also very glad to see consideration of bringing back some very good public servants who were fired.

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LaBoyteaux–Dear President Elect Biden

Congratulations on your election as the 46th president of the United States.  For me at least, our national nightmare is ending.

The country remains deeply divided and you will need to make extraordinary efforts to bridge that divide.  You will need to engage and allow access and extra transparency to those who voted for Donald Trump.  You will need to inform, lead and encourage a national discussion about issues like climate change, energy and immigration.

Every president for the last 50 or more years has used more executive orders.  It is not a good way to govern.  Your most important job is to make our democratic system of government work as well as it can.  Sometimes you need to start with the deepest concerns from the opposite side of the aisle.

We need a secure boarder with Mexico and we should not admit large numbers of refugees from Central America by reason of asylum.  But we certainly need to end the cruelty and bunker mentality.  We need to do all we can through foreign policy to address economic conditions in these people’s home countries.  We need to recognize the contribution, especially to agriculture of guest workers and new immigrants to our country.

We need to produce somewhat more oil, gas and coal than the country consumes in order to maintain energy independence and keep consumer prices under control.  We need to do this as we simultaneously move our nation and world to clean and renewable energy sources.  Renewable energy is already an industry, we need to expand that industry as a huge generator of both energy and employment.  There will always be an oil industry.  Fracking is mostly good.  We don’t need to dominate the world oil market, we need to lead the world toward clean energy.

The Hyde amendment is the law of the land and it should apply as well to foreign aid.  However, gag rules are a first amendment issue, and conversation between a woman and her doctor cannot be prohibited.  Funding for cancer screening and contraception should not be prohibited because the same organization my provide abortion at a woman’s own expense.  Abortion is a woman’s choice and her responsibility.  The government does not pay for it.

De-funding the police is non-starter, but we certainly need to train police officers to de-escalate situations in which there is no immediate threat to themselves or the public.  Vandalism and looting cannot be tolerated.  Local control in times of civil unrest is essential.  Black lives matter because all lives matter.

Every young person who graduates high school in this country should attain at least an apprentice level in some trade, regardless of future career, each should have the experience and confidence of work with their own two hands.

I thought to remove most of my policy specific thoughts from this posting because President Elect Biden, through his statements and cabinet selections has shown a much broader perspective about America’s role in the world.  On rereading I’m leaving it as is, because I view policy one issue at a time and believe that is where we find the compassion and compromises to help unify the country.

On watching President Trump’s baseless attacks on the election these past two weeks, I conclude we did barely preserve our Democracy.



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LaBoyteaux–Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

First some great thoughts from Dolly Parton this morning.  https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/16/entertainment/dolly-parton-divided-america/index.html  Trust Dolly to be pretty sensible.  Looking forward to that Christmas album.

Two greater men than I have told us we have Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself.  Plenty to be afraid of these days, Covid-19,  jobs and the economy, fear that almost daily violence in some cities will spread more widely and the general  rancor, division and hatred in the country.

We have just had an election with the largest turnout in the nation’s history, an affirmation of our democracy.  There is no indication of systemic or widespread fraud.  We are all Americans.  Only you can know, when you stepped into the voting booth or posted your ballot, whether you voted because of fear or in hope of a better future.

Need to get on with the transition.  I’ll have some thoughts in my next post for President Elect Biden.


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LaBoyteaux 2020–Eight More Days


Vote now, to be sure your vote will count!

God Bless America!





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LaBoyteaux 2020–Willful Negligence

Over 80,000 new Coronavirus cases yesterday, the highest daily total ever ….. and now over 220,000 deaths.  Exposure and transmission increases as people spend more time indoors with Fall and Winter weather.  Trump knew how serious this could be back in February. He had all the scientific information from the best medical experts.  It cannot be ignorance, slow brain or anything but willful negligence.  He continues to promote a false normality and encourage behavior which will spread this disease.  Now he tries to distract us by once again changing the subject, to Joe Biden’s position on oil and climate change.

My position on energy is as follows.  We need to produce somewhat more oil, gas and coal than the country consumes in order to maintain energy independence and keep fuel prices reasonable for average consumers.   Simultaneously we need to move as quickly as possible to non-polluting renewable energy.  Renewable energy is already an industry.  We need to build it into a much larger industry and lead the whole world in this direction.  Climate change is a world wide problem which can only be solved through international cooperatiion.  The Paris Climate Agreement is/was symbolic ….. it is what we actually do which is important.  This is very close to Biden’s position, only stated in different words.


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Smoke on the Water

So many people all across this country doing their best to limit the spread of Covid-19, waitresses wearing masks and gloves, sanitizing tables, cooks and kitchen workers being tested almost daily, plexiglass shields at sales counters, but in most states the numbers are ticking up as Fall comes on.  Meanwhile our President refuses to wear a mask, ridicules Joe Biden for wearing one, holds indoor rallies, disregards the advice of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and Dr. Redmond, dinks around the the CDC guidelines, and recruits a quack Dr. Atlas to the virus task force.  Over 200,000 people have died and continue to die. President Trump cares only about himself and his political future.  So unnecessary, so disgusting, a complete lack of moral leadership.

Meanwhile, Bob Woodward says the election and our democracy are teetering as President Trump, trailing in the polls, attacks the election process itself.  The Congress could speak out here, affirming mail in voting, protecting the polling places from intimidation, fixing the postal system, and validating the founding principles of this country that all men are created equal, all have a right to vote, government by the people.

Please see my 8/16/2020 post about Mail in Voting.  Smoke on the water here this morning.  Pray for our country.  VOTE!!!





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LaBoyteaux 2020–Time to End Government by Death Ray

Please read my previous post “On the Basis of Sex” about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

I wrote Joe Biden yesterday urging him to take the position that any person that he nominated to the Supreme Count would need to get a minimum of 60 votes in the Senate.  Democrats did away with this requirement some years ago when Republicans led by a younger Mitch McConnell began blocking all the Democratic Judicial nominees.  Doing away with the sixty vote requirement, the number needed to break a filibuster, was a mistake.  It has led to a far more partisan, divided and mean spirited Senate.  Gone is the greatest deliberative body in the world.  I see this morning Democrats threatening even more divisive measures if they gain control of the Senate and Republicans, rushing to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat, reasoning that Democrats would do the same to them.  Need to think first about the good of the whole country.  It is time to end government by partisan death ray.  I believe RBG would say the same.

Many thanks for Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins for their principled position that it is too close to an election to fill a Supreme Court vacancy and their recognition that there is a moral and ethical issue involved.  Deeply disappointed that no male Republican Senator is able to see the gross unfairness of refusing to even give Merrick Garland a hearing and now contorting and contradicting their previous statements to rush a replacement for RBG.

And this morning the Senate could not even agree on a memorial resolution for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, partisan bickering!!

Also this morning a Republican led Senate committee report accusing the Bidens of wrong doing in Ukraine, repeating a Russian disinformation effort.  Thank you Mitt Romney for saying immediately that Senate committees should not be used for political propaganda.  I know you have a conscience, you need to hold off this Supreme Court appointment until after the election.

And Breonna Taylor, completely wrongful death.  Of course Black Lives Matter because all lives matter.


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