LaBoyteaux 2020–Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida

Know that I am with you today today and always.  These children and heros are in God’s hands.

Once again the weapon of choice in this insanity was an AR-15, designed as a military weapon to kill most efficiently and it does so.  An estimated 8 million copies and counting are owned throughout the country.  There was a ban on assault weapons at one time.  Another copy cat school attack with an AK-47 was averted in Seattle the previous day.

If you see something, or hear something, SAY SOMETHING, is still best advice but it is NOT the fault of friends and neighbors who miss or do not understand the gravity of warning signs.  Error is human, there will always be mistakes, how can we reduce the number and death toll in these insane tragedies?  I believe it will take multiple layers of safeguards including restriction of access to the most lethal weapons.

Please see my previous posts on this subject, November 1 and November 8, 2017.

The greatest leaders in Washington right now are those groups of Senators and Congressmen doing their best to reach bi-partisan solutions to immigration and other issues facing our Nation.


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LaBoyteaux 2020 – Just Flat Out Cruel

Almost daily I see more examples of appalling cruelty in our immigration policies. I’d rather not talk about our President, but I think the buck stops at the top.

The Polish doctor brought here as a baby, respected practioner in his community, permanent green card, why was he deported? The Vietnamese woman denied a VISA to attend her U.S. Navy son’s funeral, why? The Mexican man brought here when he was 10, wife and three children U.S. Citizens, ripped from his family and deported. The Salvadorian refugees have been here nearly 20 years and two previous presidents have allowed them to stay. They have started businesses, found homes and started families because they worked. They should not be deported.

Political trading and bargaining with these peoples lives is disgusting. Just do the right and compassionate thing. Pass a clean DACA bill. That is who we are as a people and a nation. Remember it was the strong backs as well as the entrprenurial spirit of each wave of immigrants that built this great country. And these people should be able to apply to become naturalized citizens like any other immigrant.

See also my January 6th post regarding immigration and securing the southern border.

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LaBoyteaux 2020 – The Shutdown

Once again, the most important thing a President and Chief Executive can do, is to make our representative system of government work as well as it can. A prolonged government shutdown will harm a lot of people.

Legislative riders, that is unrelated policy issues tied to funding or other legislation are not a good way to govern. As an independent president, I would likely return such bills to the congress asking instead for single purpose clean legislation. Short term funding bills are also a disfunctional way to run the government. It would be best to fund continuing government programs and services and leave controversial issues to separate legislation.

This is a difficult controversy and the president’s role should be to try to resolve it, and not to take sides.

As much as I support DACA, and an end to the appalling cruelty of current immigration policies, these and similar unrelated issues do not belong in a funding bill.

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LaBoyteaux 2020 – The Russians and our Elections

All of the United States intelligence agencies, during the Obama administration and during the Trump administration are certain that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election through the internet. More important than all the investigations, before we go to the polls in 2018, all Americans need to know what Russia did and how they did it. Their efforts to influence us, to inflame conflict and create doubt in our democratic system of government appear to be continuing.

Sources like Facebook and YouTube should tag posts of unknown, doubtful or foreign origin. Our government should be making great efforts to inform the nation about how Russia has tried to influence our elections and democratic process.


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LaBoyteaux 2020 – Immigration

There have been a lot of deportations and there will continue to be deportations until we find a way to prevent people from overstaying their visas or entering the country illegally. However some actions currently being taken are exceedingly cruel. We should not be breaking up working families where some immediate family members are US citizens. People who were brought here as children (DACA) should be allowed to stay and become naturalized citizens.

I ask my fellow Americans to consider that some western states were part of Mexico once. Mexican-American culture is very strong in these places. It is similar to those of French or Cajun roots in Louisianna, Dutch-German people in Pennsylvania or Scandinavians in Minnesota. We are a nation descended from immigrants …. from all the lands on earth we come.

With regard to our southern border, I will pay close attention to the needs of the Border Patrol and to American citizens who live and work along the border. I believe our border officers prefer a strong fence to a solid wall so they may see what is happening on the other side. A fence by itself is not sufficient without regular patrols to guard it. In some areas desert conditions provide a natural deterant.

American agriculture depends on a seasonal labor force of “green card” workers, largely from Mexico.

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The Security Document (Annual Report to Congress)

Tying National Security from foreign threats to economic security in this country is misleading at best.

National Security depends partly on economic security but the strongest measure of economic security at home is a large and thriving middle class. Large public works and infratructure projects almost always boost jobs only temporarily. Trickle down economics, the belief that making the wealthy richer will benefit everyone – the main idea in the recent one party tax bill – is a doubtful path to security at home.

The Security Document presents a dark and combative world view. Foreign relations and trade are not a contest but a cooperation with our allies and at least minimum diplomatic engagement with our adversaries. The warlike tendencies of rogue nations are best reduced through international effort with a path to inclusion in the world community. Extreme natural disasters and weather events that may be the result of human-influenced global climate change are National Security threats that require a world wide solution.

If you remember the western radio and TV series “Gunsmoke”, I am like Marshal Dillon on foreign policy. Matt never threatened anyone. He never tried to bait anyone into a fight. He was always ready when bad stuff started to happen. It is another way of saying “speak softly and carrry a big stick”.

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The Practical Approach

Announcement this week to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem highlights the need for a practical approach to many policy issues.  We already have a good, functioning embassy in Tel-Aviv.  It does not have to be about political philosophy or partisan politics.  We don’t need to buy a new embassy.  And we sure don’t need to start a riot.

Posted by John, 2 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020-National Monuments/Travel Ban

A president should not undo National Monuments which previous presidents have tried to preserve. Congress can do this in the event of a true resource crisis. But the country is not facing an energy shortage. In fact, the United States has become a net exporter of oil and gas, essentially energy independent.

The public lands are not actually owned by the Federal Government but are held in trust for the benefit of all Americans. Anyone can visit and appreciate these places to recreate and enjoy the wide open spaces. National Monuments are not only about history and artifacts, they are also often units of the National Park System.

These places need to be viewed in the context and uses of all public lands, approximtely 600 million acres, which are managed following the general principle of “multiple use”. Timber harvest, mineral , oil and gas extraction, grazing, wildlife conservation, recreation, unique landscapes, history and artifacts are all part of public lands management, but not all uses on every acre.

Placing 5-10 percent of the public lands in a preserved status is not excessive. National Monuments are not just about a collection of things but also the importance of places in our national identity.

In other news this week the Supreme Court has upheld the travel ban on seven majority muslim countries.  I’m not sure of the Court’s reasoning here but it is clear to me that terrorists can come from a lot of places other than these seven countries.  I can’t get past the hateful things that have been said and tweeted.  Our safety depends on very thorough vetting of everyone who wants to enter the United States.  We do not need to call out anyone by race, religion or national origin.




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LaBoyteaux 2020 – Tax Bill

Like healthcare, tax policy effects every American. And like healthcare tax policy would be best developed through a normal bi-partisan or no labels committee process. It takes longer but the result is better for the country. The very complicated one party bills currently in congress run to nearly 500 pages and I’m trying to sort through it like many other people. Here are some landmarks for me.

The substantial cuts to Medicare and Medicaid will have real human impacts. Taken together with continued efforts to end the Affordable Care Act, with no replacement in sight, these will cause real harm. We expect people to work, one needs to be healthy to do so. For me, this issue speaks to who we are as a nation. Do we care for the health and well-being of all our people.

High taxes on business, particularly manufacturing, contribute to companies moving offshore and/or limiting investments in the United States. Cheap labor in other countries is another major cause.

As currently written, tax breaks for the middle class are a mixed bag, with some seeing modest benefits while others will see tax increases. Far and away the largest tax cuts in the legislation are for the wealthy and Corporations.

Tax incentives (reductions) have been used to encourage research and new technology like electric cars and clean renewable energy. Those incentives would be removed.

Lastly, I have great difficulty with the theory of trickle down economics or Reaganomics, the idea that if the wealthy get richer there will be more to go around, trickle down, to everyone. I’m open to proof, but I don’t believe this works. I don’t think it has ever worked.

I have not given up on reducing the deficit or tackling the national debt which burdens the future of the Country for all of us.

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LaBoyteaux 2020 – Las Vegas, New York, Sutherland Springs

Las Vegas, New York, Sutherland Springs, as I picture the horror of a mass shooting at a small church in Texas, I know that thoughts and prayers are not enough. Thoughts and prayers do not stop this insanity or make it less likely. If we were not close enough to hear the bullets, see the blood or smell the gunsmoke ….. do we believe it could not happen to us? These three attacks, and most of those in the recent past are of domestic origin. The system failed, warning signs were missed. Error is human, there will always be mistakes. Can we reduce the death toll in these insane tragedies?

I own three guns. Two I inherited, one I purchased. We don’t know yet how the shooter in Sutherland Springs obtained his weapons. A clear history of mental instability, a background check should have prevented him from buying a gun. And I believe a great majority of Americans support universal background checks. I am also gravely concerned about the availability of weapons designed for warfare on the nations streets. These have been the weapon of choice in so many mass shootings.

We also need to be real in understanding that most of these mass killings have not been the work of foreign terrorists. There is no way the government can keep track of all the crazies and unbalanced individuals can radicalize quickly. If you see something, or hear something, tell the police. SAY SOMETHING!

Please give some thought today to the families of those killed, and the injured in Las Vegas, New York and Sutherland Springs. And please give some thought also to how the nation can reduce and prevent these tragedies.

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