
LaBoyteaux 2020 – The Iran Nuclear Deal

Even if I am wrong, I want to be out front on this issue rather than reacting to an announcement expected later today. Trust is the most important part of human relationships extending to and including international agreements and diplomacy. The value of our democracy is measured in the truth of our words and the strength of our promises.

Iran has upheld their part of the agreement as verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency and all our allies and partners in the agreement. Only Israel now claims, without international verifications, that Iran has been cheating. Further, keeping records of past research does not seem to me to violate the agreement. Iran is not refining nuclear material nor building warheads. Even if temporary for 10-15 years, this was a major step in securing peace in the Middle East. Building on that trust, discussions need to continue to restrain Iran’s other destabilizing behavior in Syria and Yemen.

Past lessons, there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our role in keeping peace in that troubled region is based on integrity with all and keeping our word.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – Supreme Court and the Travel Ban


It appears the Supreme Court is poised to overturn the conclusions of several lower courts from coast to coast and uphold the travel ban on several majority muslim countries. I believe this is wrong and similar in motivation to the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during WWII. This is discrimination based on race, religion and national origin.

That it is not the role of courts to decide how to keep the country safe is also a bit of a dodge since this view seems to deny that there could be multiple ways to accomplish the same goal.  A policy that discriminates based on race, religion or national origin may actually increase the foreign threat.  As president, I would be guided by the following.

We will disrupt and defeat terrorist groups wherever they establish themselves.  We must understand that terrorists can come from many places and that ISIS is a corrupt and violent ideology which can spread through the internet as well as international travel.  In addition to military suppression of terrorist groups in the Middle East and support for the people and legitimate governments in these countries, we must strengthen our efforts at home.

Persons who come from any region of the world where terrorists are active, must have a demonstrated family or business reason to travel to the United States and be very thoroughly checked out before coming here.  If a thorough background check is not possible, a visa is denied and those persons cannot enter the country.

We do not need to call out anyone based on race, religion or national origin.

And as we are talking about keeping the country safe, we cannot ignore the almost daily mass shootings (four or more victims) almost entirely of domestic origin.

Fear is a powerful political weapon. Two men greater than I remind us that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. The Supreme Court should reject arguments based on fear and uphold the constitutional principal of equality of all people.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – Korea

Korea is in the news and there are encouraging signs that this prolonged conflict and nuclear threat to the world may be at an end. There is always more to the story and the outcome is not yet certain. Kim Jong Un is still a tyrant with a penchant for murder, an iron grip on power and a distain for democracy. If this is a break-through, I’m inclined to credit multiple players as did President Trump in a recent news conference. I’d like to know what was said during Mike Pompeo’s visit with Kim Jong Un last month. Maximum diplomatic and economic pressure was needed and I would do the same but I am not capable of threatening an unprovoked military attack on anyone. My style is about strength and resolve without belligerence. China may have realized that beyond aggressive rhetoric its ally North Korea had actually become a real threat to the whole world. I credit specifically Rex Tillerson for his unfailing diplomatic efforts and making economic pressure on North Korea a main topic in every state visit. We wait to see if North Korea will actually give up nuclear weapons.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – More on Syria

As days have passed since Bashar al-Assad’s most recent chemical attack in Syria, I wonder that a military response may do more harm than good.  They failed to rid Assad of chemical weapons, never the less, Russia views a strike as an attack on their ally and threatens retaliation against US forces. The continued chaos, posturing and distraction in Washington makes me doubt we can form a sensible response much less and overall plan regarding Syria. A military strike may feel like a “fire and forget” solution. We do need to clean out the remaining ISIS strongholds. However, in the long run strong economic and diplomatic efforts could be more successful in bringing lasting peace to this war ravaged land.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – Syria

Reluctantly I find myself in agreement with most in our government that military action is necessary to stop Bashir Assad from using chemical weapons. I wish there were some other forceful economic action that could be taken but I’m doubtful the United States has that kind of leverage in Syria.

Rather than drop bombs, President Obama accepted Russia’s promise to remove and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons. It seemed to work for awhile. But obviously Russia failed to remove all these weapons or prevent new manufacture. Now they deny responsibility and provide cover for Bashir Assad. It is so similar to the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines over Ukrane or the poisoning of an old man and his daugher in Britain. “Glasnost” was retired with Gorbachev. While sanctions may work for Russia, doubtful for Syria.

Syria is a perilous place with many world political interests with a military hand in the pot fightng for influence. I would not be surprised if some Russians would like to retaliate for the U.S. smack-down of their mercenary forces a few weeks ago. Without real time tactical information, I can’t suggest what action should be taken but a forceful response is needed. Nikki Haley is right, only a monster uses chemical weapons. The world cannot allow it.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020–Not to Forget

Before the national conversation moves on entirely, I resolve not to forget the victims and families of Parkland, Sutherland Springs, Las Vegas, New York, San Bernardino, Orlando, Sandy Hook, Columbine and others.

I commend Florida for taking some small steps to prevent mass shootings and school violence. I regret that it has come to arming teachers, but I believe each community and school district must decide how best to keep students safe and prevent these tradgedies. I think the first step should always be identification and intervention of troubled and potentially violent individuals. Second should be securing the schools through preparation and lockdown procedures.

Regardless of the dilligence of Federal, State or local authorities, government can never keep track of all the crazies and some restrictions on access to guns must be part of the solution. As a nation, we all need to understand why wounds inflicted by the AR-15 and other assault rifles are so devastatingly lethal. Several excellent articles recently by doctors who treated the victims, see the Miami Herald and other publications.

I also will not forget the families being ripped apart by the abject and unconscionsable cruelty of misguided immigration policies.

And in other news, over the years I’ve purchased structural steel for various farm projects. I remember when it was all stamped “Made in USA” and I did not like changing over to foreign steel. Some industries are the foundation for other manufacturing. But if the problem is mainly an oversupply of Chinese steel on the world market, then we should embargo Chinese steel. We don’t need to kick our friends and allies in the teeth with a blanket tariff. All structural materials should be labeled with their Country of origin.

Without talking about the importance of the State Department, I think Rex Tillerson was an honest man who tried his best in a difficult situation.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020–Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida

Know that I am with you today today and always.  These children and heros are in God’s hands.

Once again the weapon of choice in this insanity was an AR-15, designed as a military weapon to kill most efficiently and it does so.  An estimated 8 million copies and counting are owned throughout the country.  There was a ban on assault weapons at one time.  Another copy cat school attack with an AK-47 was averted in Seattle the previous day.

If you see something, or hear something, SAY SOMETHING, is still best advice but it is NOT the fault of friends and neighbors who miss or do not understand the gravity of warning signs.  Error is human, there will always be mistakes, how can we reduce the number and death toll in these insane tragedies?  I believe it will take multiple layers of safeguards including restriction of access to the most lethal weapons.

Please see my previous posts on this subject, November 1 and November 8, 2017.

The greatest leaders in Washington right now are those groups of Senators and Congressmen doing their best to reach bi-partisan solutions to immigration and other issues facing our Nation.


Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – Just Flat Out Cruel

Almost daily I see more examples of appalling cruelty in our immigration policies. I’d rather not talk about our President, but I think the buck stops at the top.

The Polish doctor brought here as a baby, respected practioner in his community, permanent green card, why was he deported? The Vietnamese woman denied a VISA to attend her U.S. Navy son’s funeral, why? The Mexican man brought here when he was 10, wife and three children U.S. Citizens, ripped from his family and deported. The Salvadorian refugees have been here nearly 20 years and two previous presidents have allowed them to stay. They have started businesses, found homes and started families because they worked. They should not be deported.

Political trading and bargaining with these peoples lives is disgusting. Just do the right and compassionate thing. Pass a clean DACA bill. That is who we are as a people and a nation. Remember it was the strong backs as well as the entrprenurial spirit of each wave of immigrants that built this great country. And these people should be able to apply to become naturalized citizens like any other immigrant.

See also my January 6th post regarding immigration and securing the southern border.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – The Shutdown

Once again, the most important thing a President and Chief Executive can do, is to make our representative system of government work as well as it can. A prolonged government shutdown will harm a lot of people.

Legislative riders, that is unrelated policy issues tied to funding or other legislation are not a good way to govern. As an independent president, I would likely return such bills to the congress asking instead for single purpose clean legislation. Short term funding bills are also a disfunctional way to run the government. It would be best to fund continuing government programs and services and leave controversial issues to separate legislation.

This is a difficult controversy and the president’s role should be to try to resolve it, and not to take sides.

As much as I support DACA, and an end to the appalling cruelty of current immigration policies, these and similar unrelated issues do not belong in a funding bill.

Posted by John, 0 comments

LaBoyteaux 2020 – The Russians and our Elections

All of the United States intelligence agencies, during the Obama administration and during the Trump administration are certain that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election through the internet. More important than all the investigations, before we go to the polls in 2018, all Americans need to know what Russia did and how they did it. Their efforts to influence us, to inflame conflict and create doubt in our democratic system of government appear to be continuing.

Sources like Facebook and YouTube should tag posts of unknown, doubtful or foreign origin. Our government should be making great efforts to inform the nation about how Russia has tried to influence our elections and democratic process.


Posted by John, 0 comments