
LaBoyteaux–Los Angeles Fires

There has been NO interruption of water supply to Los Angeles.  The California Aqueduct  and the Los Angeles Aqueduct continue to deliver water to the city.  Because of the fire fighting efforts,  there has been an over capacity issue with water mains within the city and a loss of pumping capacity because of power failures.  This is a fire driven by hurricane force winds in a region which is unusually dry.  Los Angeles will need to make major adjustments in fire safe construction, urban fire breaks, and threats posed by the Santa Anna winds.

People who loose their homes in hurricanes, fires and other natural disasters did not cause the hurricanes.  They should not be penalized or politicized.  Hindsight being what it is, it will always be possible to say  we should have been better prepared.  In this case there were some advance preparations, fire safe building codes, pre-positioned fire engines, but there are also deficiencies.  Notably staffing levels in the LA fire department are lower than many other cities.  The intensity of a fire driven by hurricane force winds is hard to imagine unless one sees it first hand.  I doubt even a fully staffed LAFD could have stropped it during high winds.  There need to be physical barriers and sprinkler systems engineered and installed in advance.

For the most part these were residential neighborhoods.  Los Angles will have to take steps to keep them residential and prevent opportunists from buying up the land for high end developments.


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LaBoyteaux–Results of Election

It is always about the economy.

On not distancing herself from Biden.  Addressing issues in practical specifcs tends to do this automatically.

There appears to be a portion of the electorate that is not culturally able to vote for a woman.  A misguided notion about strength.

There was more misinformation in this election than any previous amplified by on line platforms.

I remain committed to four principles of leadership, thoughtful, compassionate, honest, strength when necessary.

Cruelty is always the wrong policy.


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I don’t want to see anyone killed, so I’m glad that Trump is safe from the attempted assination.  However the children of Springfield, Ohio are not safe because of the trash talk that comes from this man’s mouth and the cowardice of the majority of the Republican Party.

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LaBoyteaux–Thoughts for Kamala

Economy First!  It is where we live everyday.  Agree that Health Care and other support for working families is up front important.  Trump wanted to kill the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) but had no replacement.  Still does not so far as I know.  But how to address the general state of the economy, food prices, fuel, other consumer goods.  I think a Blue Ribbon Commission to advise you and show your direct concern would be a good idea right now!  Economy is complicated, a visible effort to examine the factors would help inform the country and underscore your continuing effort and concern.

In a free market economic system we depend on competition to keep runaway prices in check.  In a global economy that includes foreigh competition.  Sometimes the free market economy goes sideways.  That is why we have laws against monopoly and price fixing.  People are feeling high food prices especially, but a thorough examination of the causes should proceed any assumption of price gouging.  These guardrail laws are not communism.


Visit the Border!  Talk about bringing back the bi-partisan immigration reform bill and what effect it would have.  Why we need to modernize these policies.  Has it been nearly 75 years, it was a different world back then.  We have a monthly jobs report.  People are concerned about the Border, we should have a monthly report about that too, to limit exaggeration and measure our efforts.  California was probably the first State to erect a barrier and Texas seems to be the last.  There are historic reasons.  It is not a political monument, it is a tool, where the Border Patrol believes it will be cost effective and helpful.  It is also not a “wall” but rather a fence.  Border Patrol wants to be able to see what is happening on the other side.  Even this simple change of terminology might lessen the political fervor.

Cruelty in any form is the wrong policy.  Setting up concentration camps to deport eleven million people is insane.  We deport the bad actors and those who have recently crossed illegally.  For those who have been here a long time, built lives and families, part of our communities, we make some accommodation.  And it certainly is not necessary to ban entry based on race or religion.  Entry from terror torn parts of the world requires thorough vetting.  If vetting is not possible, no entry.


An individual storm or natural disaster does not tell us much about Climate Change.  Need to look at world wide averages which is why the NASA Earth Science program is so important.  However extreme, record breaking weather are markers, easily seen, which push the average.  We cannot stick our heads in the sand about this and simultaneously we cannot starve ourselves for fossil fuels.  The whole world is still dependent.  There has to be a compromise while we move to cleaner energy sources.  Donald Trump would have us believe it is all a fiction.  Did I read that he or project 2025 want to shut down the weatherman?  (National Weather Service)

A monthly energy report like the jobs report.  How much are we producing and where does it go?  Too little production, too much export?  Would it make sense, with oil and gas leases on public lands, to give an advantage to petroleum companies that only sell within the United States?


Trump and Vance look like two peas in the pod, two fat cats there to protect the interests of the other fat cats and their self interest.  Trickle down economics has never worked.  The rich get richer.  These guys with SO MUCH MONEY (Elon Musk) get so far removed from where we all live, then think they are qualified to govern.  More about that and the Supreme Court.  And now, after X interview,  it is three peas in the pod, add Musk.  All fat cats looking out for their own interests.


Terminating a pregnancy is a choice that some women have made for hundreds, probably thousands of years.  It does not surprise me that it is not specifically mentioned in the constitution.  I see it as a right of the people that preexisted the constitution and thus wrongly taken away by the Supreme Court.  Our whole nation night do well to note what happened in Ireland.  After several years of a national ban, it was voted out.  An abortion ban is blind to human condition.  It is not where we really live.


Trump always plays the victim but his legal troubles are of his own making.  The pardon power should be used for humanitarian reasons after all legal prosesses of completed.  We are, and should all be, equal under the law.


Another school shooting.  Another AR-15 rifle.  Beyond the absurdity of giving a 14 year old child an assault rifle, to the broader issue.  Any gun can kill but some guns are more lethal than others.  The ballistic characteristics of the AR make it especially so.  An educated guess, that an AR has been used, can be made from the proportion of dead and wounded in a mass shooting.  Two especially good articles in the Miami Hearld after the Parkland shooting.  Rounds for an AR literally tear the human body apart.  This is a military weapon.  It should not be sold to the general public.  There should be a buy back program for those in circulation.  If someone wants to keep the AR which they already have, keep it secured in your home.  It should be illegal in any public place.










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LaBoyteaux–I Would Be In Jail, And Should Be

I hope others can find better words to address the Supreme Court’s decision about immunity for former President Donald Trump from criminal prosecution.  On this web site I often try to address issues as if I was actually the sitting president.

If I asked the Justice Department to help me overturn an election, I should be in jail, arrested immediately on the spot.

If I pressured the Vice President to not count certified ballots from the States and accept fake electors instead, I should be in jail.

If I incited a riot to halt the counting of electoral votes in order to substitute others, I should be in jail.

Donald Trump wanted the Capital Police to stop checking for guns as the crowd grew on January 6th.  They were not going to shoot him!  Only the insistence of the Secret Service returned him to the White House rather than joining the crowd at the Capital.  At the White House he watched the riot unfold on TV for three hours taking no action to call in the National Guard.

This all looks like criminal activity to me and I can only view the Supreme Court as equally complicit. Chief Justice Roberts says this immunity would apply to any president but none other than Donald Trump has wanted to hide his actions from the people in this way.  Who is this court protecting?  Certainly not the people of this country.

This Supreme Court moves further from holding truth, accountability and equality for the people.  Earlier this week they overturned the Chevron deference, which could have been compromised, and this action will most certainly result in less consumer protections for the public in matters of finance, health and environment.

As president, I would answer any charges or questions like any other American, not hide behnd immunity.

It occurs to me that any honest president would not need immunity.  It seem like the Supreme Court has created a shield for the ccorrupt.  Why would they do that?  What frame of mind about the presidency would make them do that?







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LaBoyteaux–Heat Wave and Other Stuff

If you are caught in the extreme heat wave in the U.S. or on your way to Mecca and no AC?

  1.  Drink plenty of WATER, stay hydrated, 12-24 oz per hour in extreme heat, not soda, not alcohol.
  2.  Don’t hesitate to take a cold shower with your clothes on, light cotton clothes are best and will continue to wick off the water and stay cool for up to an hour.
  3.   Plan to find a water feature for the children and yourself, does not have to be a public pool,  just a shallow fountain or spraying mist.
  4.   A portable evaporative cooler (swamp cooler) will cool 1-2 rooms effectively and at lower cost than central AC.  Through air flow is needed.
  5.    If you have AC, set it a little higher, maybe 78-80 to reduce load on the grid an save money.

An individual heat wave, flood or natural disaster does not tell us much about climate change.  There is always some to say, “we had a big one back in 47”  and often they are right.  Need to look at world wide averages which is why the NASA earth science program is so important.   However record breaking temperatures and other extreme weather are markers.

And on another note, my parents were the generation that came back from WWII.  It seems to be they were more generally tolerant than their children or grand children.  The great grand children hardly remember.  Perhaps the veterans of WWII saw enough blood letting.  Thye knew we had to find a way to get along with each other.


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LaBoyteaux–Absolutely Bizarre Ridiculous

I’m talking about the Supreme Court overturning the bump stock ban.  A bump stock allows certain semi-automatic rifles, notably assault rifles to fire at the same rate as a fully automatic version, a machine gun.  The shooter’s finger is on the trigger but the recoil of the gun is pushing the finger.  It is automatic, not a voluntary action by the shooter.  One shooter in Las Vegas killed 58 people at a music concert using this device.   Any gun can kill but some are far more lethal than others.   Has the Supreme Court made our country more safe,  just the opposite.  They have legalized a device that creates a machine gun.   This court continues to move further and further from where people actually live.

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LaBoyteaux–This Memorial Day

Mr. Netanyahu says the Israeli attack on a displaced persons camp in Rafah, killing at least 45, was “a terrible mistake”  How many terrible mistakes does it take to add up to 35,000 dead?

This Memorial Day I’ve been thinking of my parents who served in WWII, my father’s unit landing first in Africa and my mother as a MASH nurse in Italy.  Also thinking about the Vietnamese boat people and the story of the USS Kirk.  And those guys who were working on the Baltimore bridge.

The Supreme Court overeturned lower court in a case regarding a jerrymandered South Carolina congressional map.  Justice Alito says tht so far as the U.S. Constitution is concerned, jerrymandering is OK for partisan purposes just cannot be racially motivated.  How do you tell the difference?  With Jerrymandering in any form someone is always the loser.  Our Supreme Court again moves further from the people and the principal that “all men are created equal”.



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LaBoyteaux–A Bright Shining Light and, maybe, A Really Bad Smell

Proud of my country early this week for approving military aid to Ukraine, delayed too long by partisan bickering.  In the end the vote was about 75% in favor in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  I had withheld comment on any other subject since March for whatever good my little blog might do in bring support to our friend and democratic partners in Ukraine and western Europe.  Speaker Johnson should be commended for his research, soul searching, courage and prayer in doing the right thing.  Let’s keep going in the right direction and find a bipartisan solution for the southern border.


Of course I was appalled by Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th.  The insane and barbaric attack against civilians and Israel needs rightly to retaliate and drive Hamas out of Gaza forever.  No country can tolerate terrorism from within or at it’s borders.  BUT,  35,000 and climbing dead civilians in Gaza, Israel itself has become the monster.  The cause is just but the proportionality is all wrong.  Americans have difficulty understanding the very difficult position of a country (Israel) where a terrorist can jump out from behind a corner or blow up a bus at any moment.  But they cannot themselves turn into monsters, bomb diplomatic compounds and set the whole region and world on fire.  In this last matter, Iran had to respond and only the combined anti-air capability of Israel, the U.S and allies prevented a full scale war.


And that really bad smell, yesterday the Supreme Court heard Donald Trumps claims of presidential immunity regarding his alleged attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.  The Supreme Court did not even need to hear this case.  All the lower courts have ruled without question that the president is not immune from prosecution for attempts to overturn an election.  However several of the justices seemed more concerned with hypothetical examples of possible wrongful prosecution of future presidents and may well send the case back to the lower courts.  This would most likely deny the people and the country the opportunity to hear the charges and evidence before the 2024 election.  This smells really bad.







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LaBoyteaux–Get It Done, Ukraine Aid

Not next month, not next week, Ukraine needs U.S. aid immediately or will likely loose their war of survival against Russia.  I am disgusted to the point of being sick about the political games and leveraging being played with Ukraine aid.  No excuses!  Do the right thing!  Just get it done.  Just get it done.

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